In the Church

Treasures in the Trunk

Each year, the Board of Social Ministry sponsors an event called Treasures in the Trunk. This is a medical benefit for a member of our congregation. People bring their treasures and sell them in the trunk of their vehicle. 

Timeless Treasures Bazaar

This annual event is held the First Saturday in December. A committee is normally organized in the early Fall to assist in the overseeing of this event. Donations are brought in by the members of the congregation to be sold. The committee also seeks and approves the expenditures of the proceeds raised. Normally the funds are used to advance the ministry of the congregation, funding needs that are normally not a part of the annual budget.


Ushering at worship services is one way members can become involved in service to their church. Volunteers are scheduled to usher for a period of one month at a time. Previous ushering experience is not necessary. If you are interested in being an usher, please contact the Board of Elders or the church office.


“Good Morning!” - What a pleasant way to start the day! This is how we greet our worshipers at Peace when we serve as greeters. It is a way to meet people and to extend a welcome to worship. To be a greeter, there are no qualifications needed. If you wish to be a greeter please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex or contact a member of the Board of Evangelism or the church office. We want everyone to be a friend.

Coffee Servers


Lay Assistants

Lay assistants are adult males who are recruited and trained by the Board of Elders to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion. They are normally recruited to serve on a monthly rotating schedule.
